Docker web stack with mysql nginx proxy


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Docker web stack with Wordpress , MariaDB and Nginx-Pagespeed

This Repo is for Web application stack with Wordpress , MariaDB and Nginx-Pagespeed

Note : First should edit Secrets files in ./secrests .

For use from this Repo you should have one of these:

  • Docker Swarm ( Recommend )


  • Docker-Compose (Should remove Swarm tools from Yml file)

Set up your swarm

docker swarm init [OPTIONS]

for more info see Docker Swarm Doc

Deploy stack

for deploy stack use

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml <STACK NAME>

NOTE: for update stack just need to edit files and redeploy stack.

for check stack services status

docker stack services <STACK NAME>

for remove stack

docker stack rm <STACK NAME>